Gary Blattberg Team

"Transforming Real Estate into Reality"

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"Real" Real Estate Video

What does "Real" Real Estate Video do for Buyers & Sellers?

The popularity of video on the internet is undeniable! Can you say You tube? Two recent stats worth mentioning regarding real estate consumers are: 87% of real estate consumers prefer their content in video and 78% of real estate internet viewers are more likely to stay on a website offering video. These are big numbers in support of this style of marketing.Would you like buyers to tour your home from the comfort of their own home or as soon as your house is listed? Real estate video does it for you....the real thing, not slides stitched together! Real estate video allows the consumer to feel the way a house lives or lays out. It is a first showing, which can happen almost instantaneously. How nice & easy for all involved! Sometimes I film my own with the support of an outside service (HDHat) and sometimes I go straight to one of the founding fathers of real estate video, Fred Light from  Nashua Video Tours. Listen to Fred (above) speak about real real estate video!  

And below is an example of how compelling video is: